- The Agency for Regional Development (ARD) „Habitat” reviews and informs periodically about the own vision, principles, values, mission, goals and objectives.
- ARD „Habitat” will elaborate and implement projects that will lead to accomplishment of the own programs according to the mission, beneficiaries needs, strategy and declared goals.
- ARD „Habitat” will adopt programs which will be correlated, when is necessary with the beneficiaries needs, with programs and activities of other institutions or non- profit organization synergetic with the Agency.
- ARD „Habitat” has a decisional board structure elected on the basis of a clear democratic and transparent procedure, foreseen by status, having a mandate for a limited period of time.
- ARD „Habitat” has executive board structure that put in practice decisions of the decisional structures and leads to efficient realization of the Agency programs and projects.
- Decisional board structure of ARD „Habitat” adopt clear regulations which includes own members responsibilities and those of the executive director, with specifications about avoidance of the interest conflicts, regulations about taking decisions process, authority delegation, staff evaluation etc.
- Between decisional board structure and executive structure will function a process of mutual informing, to ensure accomplishment of the each structure’s responsibilities.
- The decisional board structure will ensure that the own members, employees and volunteers which contributes to the development of ARD „Habitat”, to take advantage of the most adequate training and preparation programs.
- The decisional board structure will realize an efficient management including support for financial management, funds collection and public image promotion of the ARD „Habitat”.
- The decisional board structure will encourage members’ participation to the ARD „Habitat” actions, motivating them.
- ARD „Habitat” will put in practice clear written politics to prevent interests’ conflicts of the decisional board structure members, of the executive members and volunteers. In this sense decisional board structure members will not be paid for the quality of the member of this structure.